Happy Howie’s would not be here today without its loyal customers!
RJ Paddywacks Pet Outfitter is proud to carry Happy Howies in Carbondale, Colorado. Happy Howie’s story begins with that of its hometown. Detroit, once considered one of the most innovative and architecturally appealing cities in the world, fell on hard times with the decline of manufacturing and the American automotive industry. However, over the past decade, residents of Detroit have been proud to welcome new industries of all types and sizes. Whether it is urban farming, the newly created “Tech Town” or even all natural dog treats, Detroit is pleased to be home to a diverse population and even more diverse industries.
- All Natural Doggie Burgers
- All-Natural Beef
- JerkyDeli-Style Sausages
- Beefy Woof Stix
- Premium Meat Roll Treats
Providing All-Natural, Organic, Raw and Freeze-Dried Diets For Your Pets. Come Into RJ Paddywacks For Pet Supplies Today!