Pet Care With Purpose®

RJ Paddywacks Pet Outfitter is proud to carry Earthbath in Carbondale, Colorado. Paul Armstrong founded Earthwhile Endeavors, Inc. in 1995 after a chance encounter with three buddies in San Francisco who had developed a natural, effective pet shampoo but didn’t know what to do with it. Well, Paul knew a great product when he saw one (as did his cat Miles), and he was determined to share it with pet lovers everywhere.
Grooming Products for Pets
- Pet Grooming Products
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Grooming & Specialty Wipes
- Grooming Foam
- Grooming Foam
- Spritz
Dog Care Product
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Grooming & Specialty Wipes
- Grooming Foam
- Spritz
Providing All-Natural, Organic, Raw and Freeze-Dried Diets For Your Pets. Come Into RJ Paddywacks For Pet Supplies Today!